Hello, I’m a writer

A journey of becoming.

A personal project by Yvie.


How long does it take to change a creative belief?

You might think that being a brand designer is all about the visuals, but my creative process has always started with words.

Before the creative concept stage even starts my notebook gets filled with brainstorms, straplines, lists of campaign ideas, collections of key words. When thinking about marketing for Yoco or our clients, I’ll be writing blog posts, presentations and captions for social media — amounting to creative writing almost every single day.

Despite wanting to, I’ve never been able to call myself a writer. If it’s not a novel or an anthology, does it really count? I know it does, but I just couldn’t do it. So, I asked myself what I would have to do to prove to myself, and started a 30 day challenge to write everyday. Not for work, just for me as a creative outlet.

After over 300 daily entries, I really couldn’t deny it anymore and finally gave myself permission to say “hello, I’m a writer”.